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Welcome to Pilates Time Basel
I offer group and individual pilates classes that I like to customize to the needs of my participants.
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When it comes to Pilates, it is more than just another hip sports activity.
Just as Joseph H. Pilates, the founder of the method, I focus on exercises that strengthen the muscles, increase your flexibility and thus help you recover after surgery, prevent muscle injury or simply boost your well being.
The key to this is my focus on fascia-oriented training - the largest sensory organ of the human body.
Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds, connects and runs through all the muscles, organs and ligaments.
My method holistically trains the fascia,
which then become more supple and resistant.
Hence it reduces risk of joint and disc attrition, prevents chronic pain, protects the muscular tissue and maybe most importantly results in a well-being that is difficult to describe.
Curious? Get in contact - I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂
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